Abridged Resume


P E T E R  C H A R L E S                              Abridged Resume        ________________________________________________________________________________1/24

born:  Washington, D.C. 


Yale University, MFA

Rhode Island School of Design, BFA

solo exhibitions:

          2016 Green Chalk Contemporary, Monterey, CA virtual exhibition, June 1-30

          2013 Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York, NY, November 2 - November 23

         2012 Cross-MacKenzie Gallery, Washington, DC, March 2 - April ll

2005Irvine Contemporary Art, Washington, DC, March 4 - April 16

David Findlay Gallery, New York, NY, June 29-July 29 -->August 15          

2002Anton Gallery, Washington, D.C., March 15 -- April 15th

1999Anton Gallery, Washington, D.C., October 22 -- November27th

1998David Adamson Gallery, Washington, D.C., February 12-March 21

1994Baumgartner Galleries, Inc., Washington, D.C., January 15-February 11

Koplin Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, September 10-October 9

1991Baumgartner Galleries, Inc., Washington, D.C., Oct.-Nov.

1990Koplin Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, June-July

Ruth Siegel Gallery, New York, NY, March-April

1989Baumgartner Galleries, Inc., Washington, D.C., May

1988Ruth Siegel Gallery, New York, NY, November

1987 Selected Works 1978-1987, Baumgartner Galleries, Inc., Washington, D.C.

Koplin Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, June-July

Sculpture & Drawings, Ruth Siegel Gallery, New York, NY

1986Baumgartner Galleries, Inc., Washington, D.C.

Ruth Siegel Gallery, New York, NY

1985The Phillips Collection, Outdoor Sculpture, Washington, D.C.


          2017 New Perspectives, San Luis Obispo Museum Of Art, San Luis Obispo,CA, February 3-26

         AWAKENING , Invitational Show, Carmel, CA, February 7-28

         2016 Sand City Juried Exhibition, Sand City, CA, August 26-September 25

2009David Findlay Gallery, New York, NY, Gallery Artists, Spring

2008David Findlay Gallery, New York, NY, Gallery Artists, March

2007David Findlay Gallery, New York, NY, Group Show, January and February

2006 Kim Foster Gallery, NY, July 7-29, Group Show of Gallery & Invited Artists

Der Blau Mauer@The Hawthorne Mansion, Anton Gallery, Monterey, CA

Armory Show Weekend: NY, Irvine Contemporary Art, March 10-12

David Findlay Gallery, New York, NY, Group Show, March and April

Irvine Contemporary Art, Washington, DC, Gallery Artists@14th Street, May

2005 Kim Foster Gallery, New York, NY, July 9-July 30, A Tasting.

2004David Findlay Gallery, New York, NY, Group Show, March, June, September

Ralls Collection, Washington, DC, Group Show, June-August

2003Anton Gallery, Washington, D.C., Gallery Artists,  January-February

2002David Findlay Gallery, New York, NY, Group show, Nov., Dec.

Artist’s Screens: contemporary Perspectives, Eleven Eleven Sculpture Space,

Washington, DC,  June 26 -- September 14

2000Paper, Steel, Stone, Two-artist, Anton Gallery, Washington, D.C., June 16-Aug. 12

Palm Springs Desert Museum, Palms Springs,CA , Considering Sculpture

1999Art in Embassies, U.S. Ambassador’s Residence, The Hague, Netherlands,

1998Art Gallery, Georgetown University, Washington, DC  April,1998

1997Group Show, Bridgewater/Lustberg Gallery, New York, NY, March 17-April 19

1996Small Gallery, Artists, Koplin Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, January-February

1995Fifty Objects, Koplin Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, November 18-December 30

Fall Group Show, Baumgartner Gallery, Washington, DC, September-October

1994Baumgartner Gallery, Washington, D.C., May

Gallery Artists, Baumgartner Galleries, Washington, D.C.

Small Gallery, 5 Sculptures, Koplin Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, 0ct.-Nov.

1991Baumgartner Galleries, Inc.,, Washington, D.C.

Koplin Gallery, Santa Monica, CA

1989Sculpture, Baumgartner Galleries, Inc., Washington, D.C.

198824 Karat Show, Ruth Siegel Gallery, New York, NY

1987Review/preview, Ruth Siegel Gallery, New York, NY

Spectrum: Three Sculptors, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

International Art Expo/87, Koplin Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

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