About the site and work

    The site is a archive collection of seven folios.
    My works are visual accumulations of experiences, thoughts and feelings, many with art and art historic references  My free standing folding screens are bi-folding and four folding.  Their structures are made of contemporary materials, but the mechanics of the hinges that allow the panels to move back and forth are based on traditional Japanese design and craft.     
    My Mixed Media on Paper compositions, are accordion folded horizontally, giving them dimensionality.  The Paint on Steel pieces are another object-image experience.  
     I seek a balance of opposing elements, a synthesis that retains some of the tension that is involved in bringing disparate elements together: two and three dimensions, geometric and the organic, natural and man-made, historical and contemporary, paint and steel, delicate and tough, are the elements that form this yin-yang.
    My work is founded on the modernists’ values, aesthetics and the integrity of the “object”.  Influences range from early American tinware and primitive furniture, to Japanese art, constructivist sculpture, and painting.  I admire and study many modern masters:  Mondrian for compositional structure and simple color,  Klee and Kandinsky for wedding geometry and nature, Noguchi for pure abstract forms and sensual materials, Giacometti for his sense of mystery and monumentality, David Smith for his toughness and Brancusi for his sense that each element in a sculpture is an important part of the whole; there is no “base” .  I feel a kinship with Archipenko because of his idiosyncratic experimentation.  
    The Spheres and “Houses” folios represent two other interests that I followed at different times.
Peter Charles 
June, 2013